What are the default webcam URLs in OctoPrint on OctoPi?

The default webcam URLs in OctoPrint on OctoPi are:

  • Stream URL: /webcam/?action=stream (no leading http, it's a relative path, it's correct this way!)
  • Snapshot URL: http://localhost:8080/?action=snapshot

What if you plug in a second webcam? What is it's url?

That is not supported out of the box. You would have to do additional software setup, and the URLs would depend on how you do that exactly.

I installed the plug-in multicam but I guess I need to do more?

You need to setup multiple instances of mjpg_streamer. By default there is only one.

The plugin itself recommends setting up the extra webcams on a different platform, MotionEyeOS on a different Pi. Since it can be quite CPU intensive.

The plugin itself is only for viewing multiple webcam streams, not actually providing the stream itself (which OctoPrint doesn't do either)