Issue with Telegram Plugin and Octolapse

Hi there!

Has someone also problems running the Telegram and Octolapse plugins together.
With Telegram alone, I get my infos every 5 mm and every 15 minutes.
Together with Octolapse, every layer change gets a notofication.

OctoPrint 1.3.9
OctoPi 0.15.1
Octolapse 0.3.1
Telegram Notofications 1.4.2

Same issue. Did you fixed this?

Hi @filimonic,

due to other issues with the Telegram plugin, I deleted it for my installation.

Hello - I have the telegram working kind of.
here is whats working start or print finishing i get a notification immeditely with a picture included.
also cancel works i beleive with a picture.

Not working - everything else what i specifically want layer change 5mm or 15 minutes. - I am sure there are other features not working.

is there something i am doing wrong? or is this plugin broke?

OctoPrint 1.3.12 running on OctoPi 0.17.0
Latest Telegram Plugin